Tuesday, 18 June 2013

A big rubbish problem

There is too much rubbish around the world because people are throwing rubbish. OO
The world has too much rubbish because too many people are throwing rubbish. CC
There is too much rubbish in the world.  If we don't pick it up we will have too much so I am going to pick it up.  I will feel proud of myself.  I am happy! CF
We can recycle rubbish.  I like to pick up rubbish. DH
There is too much rubbish in the world.  We can help our school. IP
There is too much rubbish in the world.  We can help our world to pick up rubbish.  It is important we have to RM
There is too much rubbish in the world.  We can help our world by picking up the rubbish.  We can reuse and recycle. EB, MG
Too much rubbish in the rugby fields.  To fix the problem we recycle waste. JM
There is too much rubbish!  We can clean up all the rubbish.  We can reuse and recycle.  There is too much it means it is awful. NB
I can help the world by picking up the rubbish. VP
There is too much rubbish.  We can help our world.  We can recycle our rubbish.SL
The rubbish field is too dirty.  We can help the school. JP

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear room 9,

Thank you for sharing your ideas with us. Those were good answers to why there is rubbish! We looked at this picture too! We thought it was terrible and it made us feel not good when we saw how much rubbish Auckland uses in 1 week!

Love from Room 10